samedi 15 août 2015

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

Well, I know we promised regular blog entries this year but it hasn't happened so far and all I can say is sorry and I will endeavour to do much better. We made our way very slowly up the Burgundy Canal, not helped by two returns to the UK for family reasons but we finally reached StJean de Losne on the hottest day of the year in melting blistering sunshine in excess of 40degrees!!
Unwelcome sharing of the staircase up to Pouilly Tunnel with two tiny boats that did surprising things in each lock..they didn't really know what they were doing and it kept us on our toes all the way! Eventually we got to Pouilly and after a while met up with our friends Maggie and Ni on Gesina and Patrice was happy to share his dinner bowl with their dog 'Tashi'!

We set off through the Pouilly tunnel on our fial leg towards the mighty Rivers of the Soane and the Rhone. John had been leap frogging the car along with the boat which meant that we didn't go far each day. The Burgundy was very familiar to us but we gloried in these beautiful surroundings with the weather gettinh progressively hotter. We stayed close to Dijon at Plombieres as we had nasty experiences of staying in the port at Dijon. Here we topped up the boat with food, and met up with Elodie, Jean-Matthieu and beautiful little Clemence.
She really is one of the happiest children I have ever met!
We've met up with many old friends along the way and made loads of new ones but eventually there we were at the steps at St Jean de Losne and ready to start our big adventure to the Mediterranean....

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