mardi 7 mai 2013

Tuesday 07.05.03

Well here we are at Tanlay where we have been for the last 12 days. The good people here supply electricity and water so we had intended staying 3 or 4 nights to restore our batteries and to do some more painting... but it rained and rained resulting in the Burgundy canal being closed for the first time since 1956!! Trust us to be on it when it did!!

We have made good use of the time though, John has managed to paint one side of the boat and to do some running repairs which were needed. Our time here hasn't been without adventure though!

One of Patrice's favourite places to visit is the orchard just the other side of the bridge where we are moored, but last week when we went there it was to see that a great deal was now under water. It was a lovely evening and it was heavenly to see the trees sporting wonderful blossom.

Patrice has always enjoyed climbing trees and this was no exception.

The grass could do with being mown but thankfully none of us gets hayfever!
Patrice is finally a man with his catching of small rodents.......

On sunday morning we were woken by the sound of hammering and got up to find that the car park had been transformed into a small exhibition. It was to celebrate the month of 'Europe' which is apparently May, and they were having a cycle ride and walk from the Quai around the countryside. We declined to join in but not until they had given us each a T-shirt...

 We had already decided to go to a ';Vide grenier' in a small village up in the hills above us so we set off on our cycles. This field of 'Oil Seed Rape' was just stunning, and I think it is worthy of a painting!

However when we got up the hill we could see the extent of the flooding in the fields below us.

 The high street of St Martin where the table sale was, the cars were all due to the sale I expect it doesn't see cars here very often!

Patrice had his 2nd Birthday on the first of May, but he isn't too old to appreciate a new teddy bear!!

 We had some new French friends round for 'apperitif'', we had a lovely time and no doubt will see them again when we return to this village.

We were running out of supplies but our lovely friends from Auxerre arrived yesterday to see us . We had lunch out with them and then they took us back to Tonnere in their car and we restocked the pantry and the wine and beer cellar! thank you so much Simon, Charlyn and Daisy for preventing us from starving......

The hotel boat behind us has just been allowed to go up the canal and we have been told that we can leave tomorrow. This is a lovely village but we will be glad to move on!
A beautiful sunset which we saw the other night

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